Cairngorms Ultra
Route Highlights & Course Overview
A taste of the wild Cairngorms, from beautiful pine forested glens to spectacular mountain vistas, here are some of the main features incorporated into the route...
Extensive views across to the vast plateau around the Cairngorms' most spectacular corries & summits, including Ben Macdui, Braeriach & Cairn Toul the UK’s second, third & fourth highest mountains.
Visits both the major Cairngorm Lairig passes - the Lairig an Laoigh and Lairig Ghru and passes beneaththe shadow of the rugged Devils Point
The dramatic Corrie Etchachan
Through the magnificent Caledonian pinewoods of Glens Derry, Luibeg & Quoich
Following mountain rivers with their waterfalls, narrow gorges, & crystal-clear pools
Visiting iconic mountain bothies
This route is great for any friends & family who are spectating. With the route returning through the Derry Lodge CP & the iconic Linn of Dee, there’ll be plenty of opportunity to provide a bit of encouragement.

Section 1: Start to Derry Lodge. This initial section takes you through beautiful Caledonian Pines & alongside the crystal-clear waters of Lui Water,
following the main track between Derry Lodge and the Linn of Dee. CP 1 is located to the rear of Derry Lodge at
the footbridge over the river Derry.

Section 2: Derry Lodge to Hutchison Refuge: Continue along the track amongst the pines on the west side of Derry Burn, climbing into the upper reaches of Glen Derry. The pines gradually become more scattered & the views are very extensive as the route continues up Glen Derry.

Section 2: Derry Lodge to Hutchison Refuge: Continue along the track amongst the pines on the west side of Derry
Burn, climbing into the upper reaches of Glen Derry. The pines gradually become more scattered & the views are very extensive as the route continues up Glen Derry.
Soon after crossing Glas Alt Mor the track forks left heading into the wide expanse of Corrie Etchachan towards
CP2 at the Hutchinson Memorial Hut. The Refuge lies at 690 metres & is the highest point on the course.

Climbing through Glen Derry

Section 3: Hutchison Refuge to Derry Lodge:
From the CP, retrace your steps back along Glen Derry to the track junction at the location of the old Derry Dam.
The route crosses Derry Burn here & follows the track through the Caledonian Pines on the east side of the burn to
reach CP3 (first aid station location). This will be located just across the footbridge from CP1 as you’ll be returning
on this side of Derry Burn & continuing along Glen Luibeg.
Note: As the footbridge at Derry Dam is currently closed this will entail fording the burn. If the water levels are too
high, then the route will return the same way as the outward leg to CP3.

Section 4: Derry Lodge CP3 to Corrour Bothy CP4...Follow the trail through Glenn Luibeg past some magnificent old granny pines. There are two options here; either ford the river or continue 400m upstream & cross the footbridge over Luibeg Burn.

Crossing point of the Derry Burn at the old Derry Dam Location
Crossing Luibeg Bridge
The next section leads into the initial reaches of the Lairig Ghru. On a clear day the views are truly outstanding, revealing the edge of a vast plateau around the Cairngorms' most spectacular corries & high mountains; Ben Macdui, Braeriach & Cairn Toul (UK’s second & third & fourth highest mountains) & the Devils Point.
From this point the trail becomes more rough underfoot & full concentration is needed as you descend towards
the river Dee
The trail leading towards the Lairig Ghru with the imposing peaks of The Devil’s Point & Cairn Toul
Cross the footbridge over the river Dee to reach CP3 located a short distance further on at Corrour Bothy.
Corrour Bothy & the bridge across the river Dee
Section 5: Corrour Bothy to Linn of Dee: Cross back over the bridge then follow the track along Glen Dee towards
White Bridge. The route continues across boggy ground for the next few kilometres & the path is quite rough in
places. It’s worth taking a breather at the waterfalls & pools of the Chest of Dee just before White Bridge.
Section along Glen Dee with The Devils Point in the distance & the Chest of Dee.
At White Bridge the trail joins the main ATV track to reach the Linn of Dee & CP 5 (second aid station location).
Linn of Dee
Section 6: Linn of Dee to Finish: After the CP, follow a section of singletrack through the pinewoods to the left of
the National Trust parking area. The path soon emerges onto the main track leading to Black Bridge. Cross the
bridge and turn left following this track up Glen Lui once again (the main track to Derry Lodge). After approx. 1km.
turn right onto a small singletrack which climbs over moorland to the Clais Fhearnaig. Follow the singletrack
alongside the lochans then descend into Glen Quioch & CP6
Stunning singletrack through the Clais Fhearnaig
The return is down beautiful Glen Quoich. The track climbs high above the river, giving good views over the
Caledonian Pinewoods, returning through the grounds of Mar Lodge to the finish.